SCHLEIMFABRIK title: Schleimfrabrik date: 23.07.04 author: Dominic Szablewski aka. cha0s email: website: filename: ch20b.pk3 bspname: ch20b.bsp textures: ydnar sounds: none models: none description: Made for my own 20 Brush contest. installation: Make sure you have the Quake III: Arena Point Release installed. for more information, visit Unzip the pk3 file in your baseq3 folder. Run quake III arena and select single player then skirmish. The map should appear somewhere on the list, usually at the end. useless info: build time: 1day hardware: AMD Athlon @ 1533MHz, 512mb compiler: q3map2 (ver. 2.5.3) compile time: ~2minutes total brushes: 55 visible brushes: 10 patches: 10 different textures: 14 thanks to: ydnar - q3map2, textures everyone at and who participated in my little contest copyright: Copyright (c) 2003 -cha0s- (Dominic Szablewski) All rights reserved. Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. This map may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, must include this .txt/.html file, and may not be modified in any way. Under no circumstances is this level to be distributed on cd-ROM without prior written permission.